14H00 - 17H00
The Geotour focuses on visiting three volcanic sites: Gruta do Natal, Furnas do Enxofre and Algar do Carvão.
The Gruta do Natal consists of Lava Tubes in their natural state, being that the visit involves walking inside these same tubes, having the opportunity to observe solidified lava in its most genuine state, as well as experiencing a truly different adventure.
This visit is more physically demanding, and we do not recommend it for clients with back, knee or claustrophobia problems.
Furnas do Enxofre is a fumarolic field, where we can observe sulfur, a volcanic gas, coming out of the interior of the earth. This fumarolic field is directly related to the Pico Alto volcano, which still shows activity today, and the sulfur is the reflection of that same activity.

Algar do Carvão is the result of an eruption 2000 years ago, when most of the lava it contained came out and spread over almost the entire island. Consequently, the volcano is empty and, with several investments, also visitable, with the visit being made through stairs, with the possibility of descending to the lowest point of the volcano.
Throughout the visit, there are several levels, where the customer can choose to end his visit and return to the exit.
Relevant information
The tour includes entrance tickets to the caves, which are limited to the following days of the week:
April to September:
Every day
January to March & October to December:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
What to bring:
-Waterproof/warm clothing
-Hiking shoes